3 1/2 minutes, Ten Bullets
On Black Friday 2012, four African—American teenagers stopped at a gas station to buy gum and cigarettes. One of them, Jordan Davis, argued with Michael Dunn, a white man parked beside them, over the volume of music playing in their car. The altercation turned to tragedy when Dunn fired 10 bullets at the unarmed boys, killing Davis almost instantly. The seamlessly constructed, riveting documentary film 3 1/2 MINUTES, TEN BULLETS explores the danger and subjectivity of Florida’s Stand Your Ground self—defense laws by weaving Dunn’s trial with a chorus of citizen and pundit opinions, and with Jordan Davis’ parents’ wrenching experiences in and out of the courtroom.
As conversations about other victims of senseless violence play out on the national stage, 3 1/2 MINUTES, TEN BULLETS dives deep into the aftermath of Jordan Davis’ murder. This intimate story of unnecessary loss in the face of insidious racism promotes seeing one another as human beings, with the hope that compassion will lessen the inevitability of racial bias, disparity and violence.
Marc Silver
Carolyn Hepburn and Minette Nelson
98 Minutes
Rights Represented
Educational Rights
Captions Available
- The New York Times
“3 1/2 Minutes masterfully unites the narratives of all sides to place a cinematic microscope on the destructive nature of the nation’s deadliest social disease.”
- Huffington Post
- New York Post
“…tight and accomplished on all levels.”
- Variety
Festival & Awards
Special Jury Award – Social Impact – SUNDANCE Film Festival,
Audience Award – Best Documentary – RIVER RUN Film Festival