Kids for Cash
3,000 kids. One judge. The scandal that rocked the nation
All 193 United Nations member countries have ratified the convention on the Rights of the Child…except Somalia and the United States.
In the wake of the shootings at Columbine, a small town celebrates a charismatic judge who is hell—bent on keeping kids in line…until one parent dares to question the motives behind his brand of justice. Told through the eyes of both victims and villains, KIDS FOR CASH exposes a shocking American secret—a notorious judicial scandal that found corrupt judges sending children to a private, for—profit detention center without counsel or being advised of their rights.
This real—life thriller reveals the untold stories of the masterminds at the center of the scandal and the chilling aftermath of lives destroyed in the process—a stunning emotional roller coaster that will make you question how the world’s premiere democracy can allow corrupt judges to trample on the rights of countless children.
Robert May
Robert May and Lauren Timmons
97 & 88 Minutes
Rights Represented
International Rights,
Captions Available
“I felt outrage, how is this possible? Feeling this must be an exception (even though I know it’s not). I got really into the characters.”
- Anna Wong, Burns Institute
“I’m astonished by my reaction, because I already knew the facts, but I never heard the kids and the stories. I’m surprised by how shocked I am. This really does make me see.”