Most Likely to Succeed

A film by Greg Whiteley

A Provocative Look at the Future of Education

Most Likely to Succeed examines the history of education in the United States, revealing the growing shortcomings of conventional education methods in today’s innovative world. The film explores compelling new approaches at a ground-breaking school in San Diego that aims to revolutionize teaching as we know it, inspiring school communities to reimagine what students and teachers are capable of doing. As we follow students, parents and teachers through a truly unorthodox school experience, the audience is forced to consider what sort of educational environment is most likely to succeed in the 21st century.  To date, Most Likely To Succeed has screened for thousands of audiences around the world, igniting conversations and empowering change along the way.


Greg Whiteley


Adam Leibowitz, Daria Lombroso, Adam Ridley, and Greg Whiteley


89 Minutes

Rights Represented

Educational Rights

Captions Available

English, Japanese




“…a message Americans need to hear, and desperately test.”

- The Huffington Post

“The 21st century is going to be all about building, creating, and innovating. This remarkable film shows a path of how we can empower all of our children to do that.”

- Sal Kahn, Kahn Academy

“Whiteley captures an inspiring solution: when teachers give youth more agency in their education, it leads to the kind of innovation and character-building confidence skills that are essential for success in a post-internet job market. A thoughtful consideration, and with lots of heart.”

- Movie City Reviews

“..a discussion that needs to start now.”

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Film Licensing

We distribute films globally but we only hold the rights in particular territories in some cases.

Letting us know what type of group you are will help us get you set up with the right type of license. If you do not fall squarely into one of these categories, select “individual” or contact us at [email protected].

Unsure what you need?
Here are some basic definitions to help! Please visit our FAQs for further information.

  • In-person screening: This license includes the public performance rights required to host a screening for your group and a DVD copy of the film
  • Virtual screening: A link and code that are available for a single 72 hour period
  • Streaming subscriptions: Ongoing streaming access for an institution provided by our partner, Film Platform.  Please note it takes 3-5 business days to get your streaming access set up.  Questions about your set-up – contact [email protected].
  • DVD for classroom use: This is a DVD with permission to share in a classroom only
  • Custom and secure link and code to provide to event participants during designated screening period.
  • Option to receive registration information.

Includes Standard Setup Plus...

  • Custom screening page with your logo and event description
  • Option to add custom video introduction
  • Ability to add custom resources and ‘Calls to Action’
  • Access to participation and attendance analytics

Don’t worry, you can always change this date if needed but if you already have a screening or license activation date in mind, it will help expedite the process. Please note it takes 1 week to get a virtual screening room set up.

Your Selection
Most Likely to Succeed

A Provocative Look at the Future of Education

Cost $0.00