The Islands and the Whales
In the North Atlantic archipelago of the Faroe Islands the traditional hunting of seabirds and pilot whales continues to provide food for the table, but many doubt this way of life will continue. Local species of seabirds are in catastrophic decline as plastic flotsam fills their stomachs and pilot whales are highly contaminated with mercury and PCBs.
After spending thirty years studying thousands of the islands’ children, local toxicologist Dr Pal Weihe reports that eating the contaminated whale meat could cause permanent cognitive impairment to children exposed in the womb, and may be linked to the islands’ high rate of Parkinson’s Disease, as well as other health problems. As the islanders come to terms with the health revelations, they face increasing pressure from the outside world to stop the whale hunts.
Mike Day
Mike Day
84 & 60 Minutes
Rights Represented
Educational Rights, Digital Rights
Captions Available
Faroese, English, Danish
“Mike Day’s gorgeous and complexly woven The Islands and the Whales carefully dissects the delicate situation unfolding in the Faroe Islands.”
- Ion Cinema
“The Film is as thought provoking as it is beautiful to behold.”
- Independent Critic
Festival & Awards
Winner – Grand Jury Prize DOC NYC
Nominee for Best documentary
BAFTA Scotland
Winner – Best Emerging Filmmaker HOTDOCS
Winner Best Film – Wild and Scenic Festival
Winner Best Documentary – Irvine International Film Festival
Winner Best Documentary – Reykjavik IFF