The Zebra and the Bear
The Zebra and the Bear is an intimate and impactful documentary film about how a mother’s fierce determination to save her daughter from a fatal, ultra-rare genetic disease called Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency (MSD) leads her on a journey to raise millions of dollars and drive the development of a pioneering gene-therapy treatment. Filmed over seven years, The Zebra and the Bear reveals the human story behind the science that may eventually save the lives of generations of children born with rare genetic disorders.
Patrick O'Connor
Patrick O’Connor, Margaret McMullan and Amber Olsen
84 minutes
Captions Available
English, Spanish
“Amber and her daughter Willow’s story will transform many people’s lives in the coming years, and I’m one of them. A story about incredible strength and bottomless love, The Zebra and the Bear is absolutely gut-wrenching. And inspiring.”
- Sebastian Junger, New York Times Best-selling author of “A Perfect Storm” and “In My Time of Dying” and the Academy Award Nominated Documentary “Restrepo”
“…Beautiful, important. Could not look away, except to find tissues.”
- Laura, Rare Disease Parent
“It was so moving and real. I will feel the impact forever.”
- Leslie, Rare Disease Parent
“Director Patrick O’Connor has captured the diagnostic and treatment odyssey faced by patients with rare diseases. This is amust-see film for all parents and healthcare providers.”