We Are As Gods

A film by David Alvarado & Jason Sussberg

The many sides of Stewart Brand

WE ARE AS GODS offers a deep dive into the many sides of Stewart Brand—creator of The Whole Earth Catalog, an influential member of Ken Kesey’s “The Merry Pranksters,” and founder of the modern environmental movement. Brand’s approach to his work and life influenced many, including SteveJobs, who have gone on to shape our modern world. Now in his 80’s, he looks to leave a legacy for the long-term future with his efforts to rewild ecosystems by resurrecting extinct species. The person who coined this epochal phrase is now under fire from former allies who believe he’s gone too far, but Brand won’t be easily deterred.

Stewart has been at the center of some of the most influential movements of the last century: he was organizing “acid tests” with Ken Kesey; his LSD trip inspired the photograph that helped catalyze the modern environmental movement; he organized the first Hackers Conference; and he created the revolutionary do-it-yourself publication The WholeEarth Catalog, which Steve Jobs famously called “Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google existed.” He has a showman’s uncanny ability to be at the center of cultural and technological shifts. Today, heis channeling his considerable energy into one of his most ambitious projects yet: a new form of wildlife conservation using biotechnology called de-extinction.


David Alvarado & Jason Sussberg


Kate McLean, Jamie Meltzer


94 minutes

Rights Represented

International Rights, Educational Rights, Sponsored Screening Licenses Available




“Infinitely Fascinating”

- Collateral Cinema

“This documentary is guaranteed to spark many late night discussions”

- Screen Zealots

“…is a deep dive into the history and life of a truly fascinating man who sees the ‘whole Earth’ in a way that you probably don’t.”

- Roger Ebert

Festival & Awards

Official Selection – SFFILM Festival
Official Selection: CPH:DOX
Official Selection – SXSW Film Festival
Official Selection – hotdocs

Film Licensing

We distribute films globally but we only hold the rights in particular territories in some cases.

Letting us know what type of group you are will help us get you set up with the right type of license. If you do not fall squarely into one of these categories, select “individual” or contact us at [email protected].

Unsure what you need?
Here are some basic definitions to help! Please visit our FAQs for further information.

  • In-person screening: This license includes the public performance rights required to host a screening for your group and a DVD copy of the film
  • Virtual screening: A link and code that are available for a single 72 hour period
  • Streaming subscriptions: Ongoing streaming access for an institution provided by our partner, Film Platform.  Please note it takes 3-5 business days to get your streaming access set up.  Questions about your set-up – contact [email protected].
  • DVD for classroom use: This is a DVD with permission to share in a classroom only
  • Custom and secure link and code to provide to event participants during designated screening period.
  • Option to receive registration information.

Includes Standard Setup Plus...

  • Custom screening page with your logo and event description
  • Option to add custom video introduction
  • Ability to add custom resources and ‘Calls to Action’
  • Access to participation and attendance analytics

Don’t worry, you can always change this date if needed but if you already have a screening or license activation date in mind, it will help expedite the process. Please note it takes 1 week to get a virtual screening room set up.

Your Selection
We Are As Gods

The many sides of Stewart Brand

Cost $0.00